Regional inter-sectoral sanaot fair in Kashkadarya region

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Regional inter-sectoral sanaot fair in Kashkadarya region

On October 6-7, 2022, the regional inter-sectoral industry fair was held in Karshi, organized by the Ministry of investment and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the municipality of Kashkadarya region and the Center for digital transformation.

The opening ceremony was attended by the governor of Kashkadarya region Murodzhan Azimov, heads of industrial and financial companies, entrepreneurs and media representatives.

It was noted that the main purpose of holding these fairs is to develop cooperative relations in the production of industrial products, to create favorable conditions for mutual cooperation between economic entities.

It should be noted that 1,593 enterprises took part in the fair, including 170 industries and 1,423 regional production enterprises. It featured products from oil and gas, chemical industry, electricity and leather-shoe industry. At the same time, enterprises of the pharmaceutical, textile and food industries also participated in the fair with their products.

Within the framework of the event, 374 cooperation agreements with a total of 409.1 billion soums were concluded through the Electronic cooperation portal of the Digital Transformation Center, and 45 memoranda of 52.4 billion soums were signed between small and medium-sized businesses that expressed a desire to produce import substitutes.

In its place, a thematic presentation was held during the fair by specialists from the Center for digital transformation.

It is worth noting that such activities serve to further strengthen the economic potential of our country, to bring the possibility of modernizing its production and industrial sphere to new stages, to improve the modern e-commerce system, as well as to ensure a comfortable existence of entrepreneurs, as well as ordinary citizens with constant work and income.