A regional intersectoral industrial fair has been organized in Jizzakh

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A regional intersectoral industrial fair has been organized in Jizzakh

On March 3, 2022, a regional intersectoral industrial Fair organized by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Khokimiyat of the Jizzakh region and the Center for Electronic Cooperation began its work in the building of the Olympic Reserve College in the city of Jizzakh with the participation of large and regional industrial enterprises specializing in the production of building materials, light industry, automotive, electrical engineering and pharmaceuticals the portal.

775 industry and regional enterprises took part in the fair, 142 of which demonstrate more than 3,000 product names, and 633 enterprises participate without product presentations.

Within the framework of industrial fairs, in order to further expand intersectoral industrial cooperation between small businesses and private entrepreneurship and large industrial enterprises in different regions of the country, 14 Regional intersectoral industrial Fairs are planned to be held in the period from March to November this year.

The main objectives of the fair are the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of products, as well as the conclusion of memoranda of technical cooperation between large industrial enterprises and small businesses and private entrepreneurship within the framework of the fair, the provision of technical specifications to colleagues, the joint development of technical documentation and drawings, as well as the manufacture of product samples, their testing, the start of production and the conclusion of contracts for their purchase.

Currently, there are about 4,000 industrial enterprises operating in the Jizzakh region. In particular, thanks to the efforts of industrial enterprises in the region to develop cooperative relations, in 2021 regional industrial enterprises sold products totaling 159.6 billion rubles.Sumy through the Electronic Cooperation portal.

In addition to large industrial enterprises in the region, representatives of the small business sector produced industrial products totaling 4.2 trillion in 2021.soums (121.6%). As part of the localization program, 684.8 billion worth of products were produced in 2020.by the end of 2021, by 3 trillion 384.4 billion.Consequently, the volume of production was increased by 4.9 times and more than 1,293 new jobs were created.

The specialists of the Electronic Cooperation Portal will provide practical assistance in the process of conducting negotiations in the B2B format and concluding cooperation agreements on the development by business entities of imported and exhibited samples presented at the fair in the city of Jizzakh.

The regional intersectoral industrial Fair is aimed at liberalizing and developing the economy, improving the business environment, carrying out radical reforms to increase the competitiveness of economic sectors and is one of the measures to ensure the implementation of the Decree on the State Program "Year of Ensuring Human Interests and Mahalla Development" within the framework of the strategic development of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.